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當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁產(chǎn)品展示防靜電產(chǎn)品靜電測試儀 > 美國Prostat PGA-710B人體靜電壓實時測量分析儀
美國Prostat PGA-710B人體靜電壓實時測量分析儀

美國Prostat PGA-710B人體靜電壓實時測量分析儀

簡要描述:美國Prostat PGA-710B人體靜電壓實時測量分析儀
The PGA-710B is a unique electrostatic data analysis device for use with Prostat's PFK-100 Field meter/Charge Plate Monitor Set. It records, plots, analyzes and automat





美國Prostat PGA-710B人體靜電壓實時測量分析儀

The PGA-710B is a unique electrostatic data analysis device for use with Prostat's PFK-100 Field meter/Charge Plate Monitor Set. It records, plots, analyzes and automatically constructs reports of body voltage generation, electrostatic decay, voltage retention, ionizer performance and other static measuring functions.

Create Detailed Reports

Its analytical features document and automatically calculate projected levels of typical Human Body (HBM) voltages. It helps determine the risk of equaling or exceeding damaging or hazardous HBM discharge voltages in static sensitive facilities.

The Autoanalyzer connects to a Field meter's analog output and lap top computer's USB using provided cables. Its Autoanalysis Applications software converts your instruments into a digital chart recording system with automatic analysis and reporting features.

The PGA-710B will perform measurement and recording functions, provide data analysis, generate charts, then construct and print out complete reports, including the facility's ambient temperature and relative humidity during each test.

Freestanding Data Logger or through USB

The PGA-710B can be used as a freestanding data logger or recorder for later downloading to your computer. It will communicate with your computer via its USB port.

Calculates the ±3-Sigma

The PGA-710B's unique software will instantly perform mathematical and statistical functions to assist ESD Program Managers and Plant Auditors in defining strengths and weaknesses of the ESDS device transport and handling process.

The PGA-710B will calculate the ±3-Sigma ranges of Walking and Standing body voltages in your facility, graphically plot the percent probability of equaling or exceeding specific body voltages in the process, and calculate the maximum, minimum and average of voltage generation or decay times.

Compatible with Windows 8 and 64-bit

The PGA-710B is a versatile instrument whose use and benefits are limited only by one's imagination. The PGA-710B is now compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows from XP all the way to Win8.



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